Thanks for Supporting  Denton Rotary Club 

Our annual flag program includes 6 Holidays per year.  We provide the flag and pole,
place the flag on your property, and deliver and take down the flag for each holiday. 

INSTRUCTIONS:  Each registration includes one (1) flag. You may add additional flags
to your registration by using the "add-on" options at the end of your order.  Each
add-on is an additional flag that will be placed at your residence or business.  Please use the 
add-on portion according to the date:  Before Memorial Day, After July 4th, OR after Labor Day.



Home & Business Flags

Thanks for Supporting  Denton Rotary Club 

Our annual flag program includes 5 Holidays per year.  We provide the flag and pole,
place the flag on your property, and deliver and take down the flag for each holiday. Flags will be placed/picked up for the following holidays: Memorial Day through 4th of July; Labor Day through 9/11 and then again for the Veteran's Holiday.

The Rotary Club will place a United States Flag mounted on a ten-foot pole, approximately 18 inches from your curb, in a non-permanent PVC pipe receiver.

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